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Be like Christi: Celebrating A Year Overflowing with Joyous School Festivities!

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If there’s one thing that truly gets my heart racing with excitement, it’s diving headfirst into the different cultures across the globe. Before living in Thailand for a year, I had mostly travelled in Latin American countries but my desire to explore every corner of our planet is driven by the fact that I know each country holds a treasure trove of traditions and celebrations waiting to be explored.

I embarked on my adventure, this time visiting Thailand, with tremendous excitement of experiencing some Southeast Asian culture for the first time. I had no idea what the year would entail, but I would experience it many times from the front row with my M3 students, who had openly welcomed me into their traditions.

These traditions included enchanting Thai festivities and celebrations and the heartwarming exchange of familiar holidays from back home. My time at SPIM was nothing short of magical.

My Favourite Festivities in Thailand

In this blog, I will share nine of my absolute favourite moments from these unforgettable celebrations and events. 

#1 Wai Kru (Teachers Appreciation Day)

Witnessing the Teacher Appreciation Day at Saint Joseph Convent (SJC) School

First up, is Teacher Appreciation Day, where students honor and pay respect to their teachers. I was fortunate to experience this celebration on Thursday, July 6th, 2023. The Wai Kru ceremony is always celebrated on a Thursday as this day is commonly associated with Brihaspati, the Vedic deity symbolizing wisdom and teachers. Students offer gifts to their teachers to acknowledge the divine connection between education and spirituality.

This was my first Thai national celebration, and what a unique Thai experience it was. I would like to mention that in Thailand they also celebrate Teacher’s Day on January 16th every year. Where I am from in South Africa, we do not have any special celebrations dedicated to teachers, never mind two days.

On this day, we were treated to some delightful performances by the students, followed by the heartwarming gesture where most teachers received beautiful Phuang malai. These intricate floral garlands, a typical part of Thai culture, are often seen throughout Thailand; they are given as offerings and are kept for good luck. I was lucky enough to receive a giant flower bouquet presented in a beautiful golden bowl.

Experiencing this celebration in Thailand left a profound impression on me. Teachers deserve to be celebrated more universally. Their influence reaches far beyond the classroom, shaping who we are and what we aspire to become. This experience brings to mind a particular teacher who taught me Geography and played a pivotal role in igniting my passion for environmental science. As I reflect on this, I can’t help but think about how much I would have loved to make her feel as cherished and valued as I did on this special day.

#2 Sports day

SPIM BFITS Prrogram Sports Day with the pink team on their decorated pavilion

The Pink Team on their Decorated Pavilion on SPIM Sports Day

Sports Day is not a new concept to me, coming from South Africa many households prioritize sports alongside education. But I can say that it’s celebrated quite differently here in Thailand, at least at my school, Panyapiwat Institute of Management Demonstration School (SPIM). This day was filled with laughter, activities, beautiful clothes, and the most contagious, energetic spirit. This is how it went: 

The entire school, including both teachers and students, was divided into four spirited teams: the Yellow Team, Green Team, Blue Team, and, of course, my personal favourite, the Pink Team (for obvious reasons). Picture this, pavilions lining the basketball court, though on Sports Day, it transformed into more of a volleyball arena, but more on that in a moment.

The day kicked off with a grand parade, each team proudly displaying their theme, spirit, and, and creativity through costumes and decorations. Then came the entertainment, with some mind-blowing cheerleading routines, all organized and executed solely by the students.

SPIM BFITS Program with me and some of the foreign teachers discussing strategy on the volleyball court

Me and Some of the Foreign BFITS Teachers Discussing Strategy on the Volleyball Court

And then, the games began there were activities from tug-of-war battles to intense volleyball matches, there was something for everyone. If sports weren’t your thing, you could sing, dance, or browse some of the student-run booths.

My favourite part of the day had to be getting in on the volleyball action. I was one of the six on the team representing the foreign teachers, and while I might need a bit more practice, I have to mention that our team dominated!

At the end of the day, one of the four sports groups was declared the winner based on scores accumulated throughout all the day’s activities. I’m sad to report that for 2023 Sports Day, the pink team did not make it to the top, but we gave it our all! If you’re wondering who won, it was the yellow team this time around (they just got lucky).

#3 Discovery Day

SPIM BFITS Program with some performances at the Discovery Day opening ceremony

Some Performances at the Discovery Day Opening Ceremony

On August 19th, the Satit PIM 2023 Discovery Day took place. From what I gathered through a quick Google search, it appears to be an annual event at this school (although I could be mistaken). Discovery Day at Satit PIM offers students and teachers the chance to explore various skill-based workshops, providing students an opportunity to explore where their interests lie.

Workshops are led by both teachers and student volunteers and operate on a rotational schedule so everyone has the opportunity to explore what the day has to offer. I had the pleasure of assisting in the chemistry lab, where visitors participated in experiments such as determining the sugar content in popular beverages.

SPIM BFITS Program with the carpentry workshop on Discovery Day

The Carpentry Workshop on Discovery Day

Among my favourite workshops from Discovery Day were planting chilli seeds, learning to play GO (a traditional Thai game played with white and black pieces on a grid, where the objective is to claim the most territory), building shelves in the carpentry workshop, exploring the haunted house, and constructing electric circuits, just to name a handful of the available experiences. 

Overall, Discovery Day was an incredibly enjoyable and enriching experience.

#4 Chinese New Year

SPIM BFITS Program with the exceptional Chinese dragon performance

The Exceptional Chinese Dragon Performance

The students at SPIM have a remarkable passion for performing, and this Chinese New Year was no exception as they once again surpassed expectations. The creativity and skill displayed in their dance routines never fail to astonish me, but on Chinese New Year, their showmanship reached new heights. Watching them bring a Chinese dragon to life made me feel as though I had been transported straight to China.

#5 Loy Krathong (Thailand Lights Festival)

BFITS Thailand Loi Krathong Day with BFITS colleagues and BP students

Buriram Pitthayakhom (BP) School Celebrating Loy Krathong (Thailand Lights Festival)

The Loy Krathong (Thailand Lights Festival) occurs every full moon on the 12th month of the lunar calendar and holds a special place in my heart. Although our school didn’t have extensive activities, we had the opportunity to create our own krathong, a small basket decorated with flowers and candles.

Later that night, I headed to a popular spot near the Impact Arena in Nonthaburi to light and release my krathong, making a wish as I did so. Though my wish has yet to come true, I hold onto the hope that it will in due time. The sight of all the illuminated krathong creations floating on the water was truly mesmerizing.

If you ever have the chance to participate in Loy Krathong, I urge you to ensure that your krathong is made only of biodegradable materials, preserving the beauty of this tradition while minimizing environmental impact.

#6 Children’s Day

SPIM BFITS Program Teachers at their ring toss booth on Children's day

SPIM BFITS Program Teachers at their Ring Toss Booth on Children’s Day

Alongside Mother’s and Father’s Day, it’s only fitting that there’s a dedicated day for the students as well. Children’s Day is all about honouring our young learners. On this day, the school was filled with carnival-themed games with fantastic prizes up for grabs. 

#7 Valentine’s Day

SPIM BFITS Program science department making hearts on valentines day

SPIM BFITS Program Science Department Making Hearts on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day was also particularly memorable for me, as my students covered me from head to toe with heart-shaped stickers, each time saying the Thai phrase “C̄hạn rạk khuṇ” which means “I love you” in Thai.

#8 Christmas Day

SPIM BFITS Program with Me and teacher Jamie running the science ski ball booth on Christmas

Me and Teacher Jamie Running the Science Ski Ball Booth on Christmas Day

Christmas Day was another highlight, with a full day of games and activities allowing our students to experience a beloved event from the foreign teachers’ childhoods.

#9 Songkran Water Festival

BFITS Thailand Songkran Water Festival 2024_A very warm welcome to the festivities from this enthusiastic young boy

Songkran Water Festival in Buriram, Thailand

Last but certainly not least, the Songkran Water Festival is arguably the most significant celebration in Thailand. Songkran marks the Thai New Year and is celebrated on April 13th each year. Though I haven’t yet experienced it firsthand, I’ve heard it’s quite the splashy affair, with water being splashed on Buddha statues and each other for good luck.

Moving On and Starting Anew

As I bid farewell to SPIM, I carry with me many unforgettable memories. From the vibrant cultural celebrations to the heartwarming moments shared with students and colleagues, each experience has shaped my journey in profound ways. Though I won’t be here for future events, I leave with a heart full of gratitude for the time spent at this remarkable school.

Thank you, Satit PIM and BFITS Thailand, for the laughter, the learning, and the countless moments of joy.

About the Author
Christi du Plessis

Christi du Plessis

Christi is a Science enthusiast from South Africa. Her teaching journey started 3 years ago as an online english instructor. In 2023, she started a new chapter and joined the BFITS team in Thailand. When she is not in the classroom, she likes to travel and delve into Thailand's incredible biodiversity.
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